How to vectorize this for loop

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Master Blabla
Master Blabla 2020년 11월 19일
편집: Master Blabla 2020년 11월 19일
How to vectorize this for loop
%%% F is array of float
%%% SD is two dimension array of float
for i=1:10
F(i) = SD(i,:);
  댓글 수: 3
Star Strider
Star Strider 2020년 11월 19일
Master Blabla
Master Blabla 2020년 11월 19일
편집: Master Blabla 2020년 11월 19일

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답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020년 11월 19일
Fea = Fin( sub2ind(size(Fin), SD(1:10,:), 20*ones(10, size(SD,2))));
However, your original code would have failed. Your SD is 2d, so SD(i,:) would have been a vector of values, and indexing FD() with a vector of row indices and one column index would return a vector of values rather than a single value -- and so you would not be able to store it into the scalar location Fea(i) .
The only way for your code to work would be if SD were a column vector instead of a 2D array.


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