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How to Train and Test any .wav file in a project to recognize the speaker.

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
DAO HONG SON 2020년 11월 17일
Please help me. I am having a problem. Thank you very much.
+ My "train" file is running by default for 8 files from s1-s8 in "tran \ data \". But I just want it to train an audio file whenever, for different people (each person only trains once any time).
+ I want the same thing for my "test" file.
  • Here is my "train" code:
function code = train(traindir, n)
% Speaker Recognition: Training Stage
% Input:
% traindir : string name/path of directory contains all train sound files
% n : number of train files in traindir
% Output:
% code : trained VQ codebooks, code{i} for i-th speaker
% Note:
% Sound files in traindir is supposed to be:
% s1.wav, s2.wav, ..., sn.wav
k = 16; % number of centroids required
for i=1:n % train a VQ codebook for each speaker
% i = {i};
file = sprintf('%s\\s%d.wav', traindir, i);
[s, fs] = audioread(file);
v = mfcc(s, fs); % Compute MFCC's
code{i} = vqCodeBook(v, k); % Train VQ codebook
  • here is my "test" code:
function test(testdir, n, code)
% Speaker Recognition: Testing Stage
% Input:
% testdir : string name of directory contains all test sound files
% n : number of test files in testdir
% code : codebooks of all trained speakers
% Note:
% Sound files in testdir is supposed to be:
% s1.wav, s2.wav, ..., sn.wav
% Example:
% >> test('C:\data\test\', 8, code);
for k=1:n % read test sound file of each speaker
file = sprintf('%ss%d.wav', testdir, k);
[s, fs] = audioread(file);
v = mfcc(s, fs); % Compute MFCC's
distmin = inf;
k1 = 0;
for l = 1:length(code) % each trained codebook, compute distortion
d = distance(v, code{l});
dist = sum(min(d,[],2)) / size(d,1);
if dist < distmin
distmin = dist;
k1 = l;
msg = sprintf('Speaker %d matches with speaker %d', k, k1);

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