Generate command-line command from library compiler project?

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
FM 2020년 10월 28일
댓글: FM 2020년 10월 29일
I am using the Library Compiler to generate a Java package. From the saved project, is there any way to generate the command-line command to perform the compilation? I looked in the `*.prj` project file, and it's way more complicated than I want to deal with.
If the answer is "no", that would be helpful as well.

채택된 답변

Todd Flanagan
Todd Flanagan 2020년 10월 29일
You can use:
deploytool -build foo.prj
To build from the command line using the current settings in the project.
Form the os command line, you can use
deploytool /build foo.prj
These are current supported, but are on a path to deprecation. The command will be replaced with similar, but improved functionality in a future release.
  댓글 수: 3
Todd Flanagan
Todd Flanagan 2020년 10월 29일
The mcc command is a litte cryptic, for sure. Mostly what is says is "make a java class out of these files and put the output in this folder". But, it can get a little verbose. We put it there so you can copy and paste it right out of the file and use it in a script, which can be convenient.
deploytool.bat is in the bin folder and you should be able to call it directly from the OS command line. This is useful if you are using some sort of automated build system. If you are just working in MATLAB,
>> deployool -build foo.prj
is a good way to go.
FM 2020년 10월 29일
Thanks again, Todd.

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