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Rename jpg files in a folder

조회 수: 13 (최근 30일)
Ravin Rayeok
Ravin Rayeok 2020년 10월 23일
이동: Voss 2023년 3월 7일
I need some help here,
So I have like 200 Images with the name of 1 2 3 4 ... n
Ineed the file to be renamed as 001 002 .... 012... 034 .... 180 ... 200
How to do that?

채택된 답변

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020년 10월 23일
Try this:
folder = pwd; % Wherever your input images are stored.
outputFolder = fullfile(folder, '/renamed'); % Can be the same as the input folder if you want.
% Make output folder if it exists.
if ~isfolder(outputFolder)
fileList = dir('*.bmp')
% Loop over all files.
for k = 1 : length(fileList)
% Get this filename.
thisFileName = fullfile(fileList(k).folder, fileList(k).name);
% Find out just the base filename without the folder.
[~, baseFileNameNoExt, ext] = fileparts(thisFileName);
number = str2double(baseFileNameNoExt);
% Skip non-numbers
if isnan(number)
fprintf('Processing %s...\n', thisFileName);
% Optionally display the image
% % Read in the input image.
% originalImage = imread(thisFileName);
% % Display it.
% imshow(originalImage);
% drawnow;
% Create the new base filename without the folder.
baseOutputFileName = sprintf('%3.3d%s', number, ext);
% Create output image filename....
fprintf(' Renaming to %s to %s...\n', baseFileNameNoExt, baseOutputFileName);
% Create the output filename which will be in the output folder.
outputFileName = fullfile(outputFolder, baseOutputFileName);
movefile(thisFileName, outputFileName); % or imwrite()
message = sprintf('Done processing %d images', length(fileList))
If you want to save the renamed files in a different folder, use imwrite(), otherwise if you want to rename in the same folder use movefile().
  댓글 수: 4
Niladri 2023년 3월 7일
이동: Voss 2023년 3월 7일
How to automatically change the name of several IMAGE files (in .bmp) stored in a folder?
Folder name is: gauss and filenames are stored as: GAUSS0, GAUSS1, GAUSS2,......etc.
I want to make them: GAUSS501, GAUSS502, GAUSS503,.... etc. in the same/different folder.
A quick help will be appreciated!
Thank you.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2023년 3월 7일
이동: Voss 2023년 3월 7일
@Niladri see code below and make appropriate changes.
% Optional initialization steps
clc; % Clear the command window.
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
clear; % Erase all existing variables. Or clearvars if you want.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
format long g;
format compact;
folder = pwd; % or 'C:\Users\niladri\pictures'
if ~isfolder(folder)
msgboxw('Warning: folder does not exist.\n"%s"\n\nPlease pick a new folder.', folder);
folder = uigetdir;
if ~isfolder(folder)
filePattern = fullfile(folder, 'GAU*.bmp');
fileList = dir(filePattern)
if isempty(fileList)
msgboxw('Warning: No .BMP files found in:\n"%s"\n\nPlease pick a new folder.', folder);
folder = uigetdir;
if ~isfolder(folder)
allFileNames = {fileList.name}
for k = 1 : numel(allFileNames)
baseFileName = allFileNames{k};
thisFileName = fullfile(folder, baseFileName);
fprintf('Checking "%s".\n', thisFileName)
% Change fro GAUSS1 to GAUSS501 by replacing the first 5 characters
newBaseFileName = strrep(baseFileName, 'GAUSS', 'GAUSS50');
outputFullFileName = fullfile(folder, newBaseFileName);
% Rename the .xlsx
fprintf(' Renaming "%s" to "%s"\n', baseFileName, newBaseFileName);
movefile(thisFileName, outputFullFileName);
if ispc

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