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Audiocapture objects error after connected to Raspberry Pi

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Yihan Hu
Yihan Hu 2020년 10월 19일
댓글: Yihan Hu 2020년 10월 23일
Hi all, I am very new to using Matlab to interface with Raspberry Pi and I am trying to use its audio platform.
I have installed Matlab coder and the hardware supporting package.
But I am getting this error when I tried to run audiocapture:
audiocapture and audioplayer are supported only for code generation
I am runinng on Macbook and xcode is updated too.
Where should I look into for this problem? Any help is appreciated

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Yihan Hu
Yihan Hu 2020년 10월 21일
audiocapture is not a standalone function in Matlab. It has to be wrapped in a function and deployed by Matlab on the hardware
  댓글 수: 2
Jon Dana
Jon Dana 2020년 10월 23일
편집: Jon Dana 2020년 10월 23일
I had the same issue and found that the following information is missing from the Raspberry Pi Audio tutorial:
  • You need the Matlab Coder add-on
  • You need to save the uncommented "raspi_pitchshiftdeployment()" function in a file
  • Check available audio resources on the Pi with "system(rpi, 'aplay -l)"
  • The demo was observed to stop after a few minutes. This is likely controlled by "for k = 1:3000"
Yihan Hu
Yihan Hu 2020년 10월 23일
I noticed the same thing with the run time too. I wonder if the loop iterates 3000 times, how long does each loop take? Something to explore into

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