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How do I write a for loop for different initial values of omega and then plot multiple lines?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
I'm running a program to simulate a simple pendulum. I am plotting a phase space diagram but I would like to have multiple different initial values of omega plotted, and my professor's advice was to use a for loop instead of plugging in many different values. Can anyone show me how to do this? I have very few weeks of experience using Matlab.
%Simple Pendulum using Euler Method
clear all; help pendul;
%Initial Values
theta0 = input('Enter initial angle (in degrees): ');
theta = theta0*pi/180; %Convert angle to radians
omega = 0;
%Physical Constants
g_over_L = 1; %The constant g/L
time = 0; %Initial time
irev = 0; %Used to count the number of reversals
tau = input('Enter time step: ');
%Loop over desired number of steps with given time step
nstep = input('Enter number of time steps: ');
for istep=1:nstep
%Record omega and theta for phase space plotting
displace_plot(istep) = theta;
omega_plot(istep) = omega;
%Compute new position and velocity
accel = -g_over_L*sin(theta); %Gravitational Acceleration
theta_old = theta; %Save Previous Angle
theta = theta + tau*omega;
omega = omega + tau*accel;
%Graph omega versus theta
plot(displace_plot,omega_plot, '+');
xlabel('\theta (rads)'); ylabel('\omega (rad/s)');
  댓글 수: 2
VBBV 2020년 10월 18일
편집: VBBV 2020년 10월 18일
Code with multiple omega needs a vector along with variable inside for loop
% if true
% code
% end
%Simple Pendulum using Euler Method
clear all; help pendul;
%Initial Values
theta0 = input('Enter initial angle (in degrees): ');
theta = theta0*pi/180; %Convert angle to radians
omega = 0:1:20; % speed in rpm
omega = 2*pi.*omega/60;
%Physical Constants
g_over_L = 1; %The constant g/L
time = 0; %Initial time
irev = 0; %Used to count the number of reversals
tau = input('Enter time step: ');
%Loop over desired number of steps with given time step
nstep = input('Enter number of time steps: ');
for j = 1:length(omega)
Om = omega(j); % assign each omega
for istep=1:nstep
%Record omega and theta for phase space plotting
displace_plot(istep,j) = theta;
omega_plot(istep,j) = Om;
%Compute new position and velocity
accel = -g_over_L*sin(theta); %Gravitational Acceleration
theta_old = theta; %Save Previous Angle
theta = theta + tau*Om; % increment omega with angle
Om = Om+ tau*accel; % increment omega with accel
clear Om;
%Graph omega versus theta
xlabel('\theta (rads)'); ylabel('\omega (rad/s)');
Nicholas Davis
Nicholas Davis 2020년 10월 18일
This works very well, Vasishta, and I thank you for that. What addition can I make to the code to make the omega run over all integers, much like in the image attached. It only seems to run for the positive integers and a small change makes it run for only the negative integers. I'd like it to run over both. Thanks!

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