Waveguide antenna with inclined slots cut into a narrow wall example

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Is there an example of a slotted waveguide antenna model with inclined slots cut into a narrow wall? I looked through the documentation but it didn't jump out at me.

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Dushyant Marathe
Dushyant Marathe 2020년 11월 5일
It is my understanding that you want an example on slotted waveguide antenna having inclined slot cut into the narrow wall. Currently, antenna toolbox does not have this case as an example. Further, workflow for creating slot on narrow wall is not supported as of now and related people are aware about this.
Please, refer to the waveguideSlotted antenna documentation for more information. Also refer an example on custom slotted waveguide antenna having rectangular slot in broad wall.

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