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Missing days in Time Table when calculating means

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Eric Escoto
Eric Escoto 2020년 9월 29일
마감: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021년 8월 20일
I have a rainfall dataset that produces data only when it rains. Meaning there are breaks in the daily data values. No zeros in days that are missing.
I'm trying to calculate means and notice that my TT doesnt have the full range of the month.
How can I populate the timetable to include these days with zero values so I can compute means?
The datatable is attached.

답변 (1개)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2020년 9월 30일
It appears to be correct when I look at at it, with complete day series and zeros in the second column, apparently for the missing days, and non-zero entries for the others.
In any event, if you have a data set with missing days, the way to fill them (with ‘TT’ being your original timetable) is:
TTr = retime(TT, 'daily', 'fillwithconstant','Constant',0);
This also creates a second timetable ‘TTr’ so the initial one is preserved.

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