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sub2ind gives error: Error using sub2ind (line 73) Out of range subscript.

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Rui Santos
Rui Santos 2020년 9월 23일
댓글: Sindar 2020년 9월 24일
Im trying to adapt an existing script to match equivalent data but for a different time period.
The initial code is
Nfirms = 50000;
Tperiods = 1000;
Tshock = 800;
% pre-allocation;
sim_i_a = zeros(Nfirms,Tperiods);
sim_i_k = zeros(Nfirms,Tperiods);
sim_a_val = zeros(Nfirms,Tperiods);
sim_k_val = zeros(Nfirms,Tperiods);
sim_c_val = zeros(Nfirms,Tperiods);
sim_coll_val = zeros(Nfirms,Tperiods);
sim_effective_lambda_val = zeros(Nfirms,Tperiods);
sim_Psi_val = zeros(Nfirms,Tperiods);
sim_i_a(:,1) = index_a0;
sim_i_k(:,1) = index_k0;
sim_a_val(:,1) = a_grid(sim_i_a(:,1));
sim_k_val(:,1) = k_grid(sim_i_k(:,1));
sim_i_r = zeros(Tperiods,1);
sim_i_r(1:Tshock-1) = 6; %until 1993;
sim_i_r(Tshock:Tshock+17) =[5,... %1994
5,... %1995
5,... %1996
4,... %1997
3,... %1998
1,... %1999
2,... %2000
2,... %2001
1,... %2002
1,... %2003
1,... %2004
1,... %2005
2,... %2006
3,... %2007
2,... %2008
3,... %2009
2,... %2010
2]; %2011
And i changed sim_i_r to
sim_i_r = zeros(Tperiods,1);
sim_i_r(1:Tshock-1) = 2; %until 2011;
sim_i_r(Tshock:Tshock+6) =[2,... %2011
0,... %2012
0,... %2013
-1,... %2014
-1,... %2015
-1,... %2016
-1]; %2017
But in doing so i get an error with the sub2ind function in the two following instances:
%generate paths;
it = 2;
index = sub2ind( size(sim_pol_ind_ap), sim_i_a(:,it-1),sim_i_k(:,it-1),sim_i_zp(:),sim_i_zt(:,it-1),sim_i_r(it-1)*ones(Nfirms,1),sim_i_tau(:,it-1),sim_i_q(:,it-1) );
for it = 2:Tperiods
sim_i_a(:,it) = sim_pol_ind_ap( index );
sim_i_k(:,it) = sim_pol_ind_kp( index );
index = sub2ind( size(c_val), sim_i_a(:,it),sim_i_k(:,it),sim_i_zp(:),sim_i_zt(:,it),sim_i_r(it)*ones(Nfirms,1),sim_i_tau(:,it),sim_i_q(:,it) );
sim_a_val(:,it) = a_grid(sim_i_a(:,it));
sim_k_val(:,it) = k_grid(sim_i_k(:,it));
sim_c_val(:,it) = c_val( index );
sim_coll_val(:,it) = binding_collateral( index );
sim_effective_lambda_val(:,it) = effective_lambda(index);
Sizes in the first argument of each sub2ind call, respectively,
ans =
120 120 2 11 6
ans =
120 120 2 11 6
I don't understand why i get this error, since i didn't change the size of the array sim_i_r, just the values it takes at different points.

채택된 답변

Sindar 2020년 9월 24일
sim_i_r was valid indices (integers greater than zero), but you changed it to invalid ones (zeros, decimals, negatives). Matlab should give a better warning ("invalid index" vs "index out of range")
  댓글 수: 4
Rui Santos
Rui Santos 2020년 9월 24일
They're defined as:
nzt = 11;
nq = 1 ;
ntau = 1;
nr = 6;
na = 120 ;
nk = 120 ;
nzp = 2 ;
sim_pol_ind_ap = zeros(na,nk,nzp,nzt,nr,ntau,nq);
sim_pol_ind_kp = zeros(na,nk,nzp,nzt,nr,ntau,nq);
Sindar 2020년 9월 24일
if they don't get updated at any point, then sim_i_a & sim_i_k are being set to zero at every iteration, and then passed to sub2ind
If they are getting updated, please include those lines but also let's try debugging. Run this line before starting the code:
dbstop if error
this will automatically enter debugging mode when the first error is thrown. Then, you can look at the values actually being passed to sub2ind, and check whether they are within the 1-size range you expect

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