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Lookup Table:Lookup Method Use Input Nearest in R2012b

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
ramesh Karande
ramesh Karande 2012년 12월 27일
Hello, i'm using R2012b. Here in R2012b Lookup Method Use Input Nearest not found. But i want to use it in R2012b. Does anyone suggest me alternative to this? In R2012b we can use 1) Lookup Method Interpolation-Extrapolation by setting Interpolation to Linear and Extrapolation to Linear, 2) Lookup Method Interpolation-Use End Values by setting Interpolation to Linear and Extrapolation to Clip, 3) Lookup Method Use Input Below by setting Interpolation to Flat.
But there is no setting for Lookup Method Use Input Nearest.
Please suggest solution on it?

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