How can I georeference this grid/matrix?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Harith Kubaisy
Harith Kubaisy 2020년 7월 26일
댓글: Maskus Kit 2021년 2월 6일
I have a script which plots kernel density values for earthquakes. However, I need to visualize the final results of the p array on a proper projected geograhpic map. How can I incorporate the results on a georeferenced MATLAB map? If that is not possible, what is the best way to export the data to ArcGIS platform?
I tried saving the results as a .txt file (ASCII) and performed a conversion to Raster by ArcMap 10.4.1 but I could not get meaningful results.
The script can be seen below, and the longitude/latitude files are attached.
load long5
load lat5
long = (long5);
lat = (lat5);
step = 0.009;
x = min(long):step:max(long);
y = min(lat):step:max(lat);
[X,Y]= ndgrid(x,y); % creates grid
R = 0.05; % circle radius
plot(long,lat,'.r') % plot data
P = X*0; % no. of points inside each circle
T = 2019-1916+1;
sig = 2;
scale = (pi/180*earthRadius/1000)^2;
hold on
for i= 1:length(x)
for j=1:length(y)
D2 = (long-x(i)).^2 + (lat-y(j)).^2;
ix = D2 < R^2; % find smaller distances
D(ix) = scale*D2(ix); % write smaller distances
P(i,j) = sum(exp(-D(ix)/2/sig^2))/T; %write ID
N(i,j) = sum(ix); % no. of points inside (i,j) circle
% plot(long(ix),lat(ix),'ob') %plot data inside circle (if exists)
if sum(ix) % if there are points inside
viscircles([x(i),y(j)], R,'edgeColor','g'); % plot circle
% viscircles([x(i),y(j)], R,'edgecolor','r'); % plot circle
p = P/(pi*6.^2);
G = rot90(flip(p),3);
hold off
axis equal
  댓글 수: 3
Harith Kubaisy
Harith Kubaisy 2021년 2월 5일
Hello. Yes the following work-around did it for me. Sorry for not updating the post.
In a seprate script:
V1 = X(:);
V2 = Y(:);
PV = pMo(:);
lon = (V1);
lat = (V2);
weights = (PV);
hold off
hold on
geobasemap grayterrain
Maskus Kit
Maskus Kit 2021년 2월 6일
Thanks a bunch. Really helpful!

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답변 (1개)

jonas 2020년 7월 26일
With the mapping toolbox you can just replace your plot functions with the corresponding map axes function.
load coastlines
ax = worldmap('italy');
plotm(long,lat,'.r') % plot data
h = pcolorm(x,y,G);
should give you something like this
  댓글 수: 1
Harith Kubaisy
Harith Kubaisy 2020년 7월 27일
Thank you for the quick response, I tried the approach but I did not get the plot over my desired area.
See attached script and result map.

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