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Loading multiple files into the same database

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Bob Choy
Bob Choy 2012년 12월 16일
Hi! I have the folowing function:
function loaddatabase(Name_File,Namedb)
id = fopen(Name_File, 'r');
create = 'create table Table1 ( Temperature integer, Humidity real, PRIMARY KEY(Temperature) );';
while ~feof(id)
temperature = fscanf (id, '%d', 1);
humidity = fscanf (id, '%f\n',1);
insert = sprintf('insert into Table1 values ( %d, %f );', temperature, humidity);
This function creates a database from information contained a .txt file. Where Name_File is the name of that .txt file and Namedb is the name I want to give my database. My .txt files follow the following structure: file1.txt, file2.txt, etc...
My problem is that I don't want load the info of a single .txt file but rather all of them into the same database.
How can I do this?
Thank you in advance.

답변 (2개)

Mark Whirdy
Mark Whirdy 2012년 12월 16일
편집: Mark Whirdy 2012년 12월 16일
Hi Bob
Can you read the contents of all files into matlab in loop, vertically concatenating the cellarrays and perform a single fastinsert (of the vertcatted cellarray) at the end? If I'm missing the crux of the issue here, could you provide some more code to make the context clearer?
  댓글 수: 1
Bob Choy
Bob Choy 2012년 12월 16일
Im not sure what your first question was, can you type that into code so I can understand it better? I also updated the code so its hopefully clearer now.

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Mark Whirdy
Mark Whirdy 2012년 12월 16일
In semi-pseudo code below
My_array = []; % container for all file contents
for i = 1:size(Name_File_Array)
fid = fopen(Name_File_Array{i,:}, 'r');
str = fread(fid, '*char')'; % whatever parsing is suitable for your data, since I can't see your data I have no idea what
My_array = [My_array;str]; % vertcat each file contents into a single large array
exec('Create table mytable(header1,header2,header3)');
  댓글 수: 1
Bob Choy
Bob Choy 2012년 12월 16일
My data follows the following structure:
integer real
integer real
integer real
And so on. Where the first column are temperature values and the second humidity values. Does this help you understand how can I do this using my function above?
Thank you for your efforts so far.

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