How to find the execute but don't display output syntax of a loop?

조회 수: 18 (최근 30일)
Lina Baquero
Lina Baquero 2012년 11월 28일
답변: Steven Lord 2025년 2월 25일 20:23
Hi, i have this problem: Let A_ij =ij-j^2 for all i,j {1.2...10}
Im using this for loop:
for i=1:10
for j=1:10
However I need to find a way to do the for loop without displaying the result each step. In other words, find the execute but don't display output syntax.
I don't know how to do it.
  댓글 수: 3
Jan 2012년 11월 28일
Such basic details are explained in the Getting Started chapters of the doucmentation. You cannot use such a powerful tool as Matlab without reading the documentation.
Isabella 2025년 2월 25일 20:00
편집: Isabella 2025년 2월 25일 20:00
its not that deep Jan

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답변 (3개)

Sabarinathan Vadivelu
Sabarinathan Vadivelu 2012년 11월 28일
for i=1:10
for j=1:10
Use semicolon at the end of the statements to suppress the output

Vishal Rane
Vishal Rane 2012년 11월 28일
Use ';' at the end of a statement. It suppresses the display of output on the command window.
In your case
Refer Link for more information.

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2025년 2월 25일 20:23
FYI, this wasn't available when the question was originally asked but as of release R2024b you can tell MATLAB to stop whenever a command would display unsuppressed output. This lets you locate missing semicolons in a potentially long segment of code. The Editor will let you specify you want to "Pause on Unsuppresed Output" (see the "Error Breakpoints" section on this documentation page) if you prefer using the graphical interface to using the command-line debugging tools.


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