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imaqregister won't register third party Image Acquisition Toolbox adaptors

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
liangying 2012년 11월 23일
I'm trying to load the built-in gige adaptor because I want to connect a basler gigE camera to my notebook. When I go to register the mwgigeimaq.dll with imaqregister, the function only returns _Empty cell array: 0-by-1_. I'm using Matlab r2011b which supports the gigE camera. I've also tried to use Dependency Walker to investigate that issue. It seems that the built-in mwgigeimaq.dll is not actually loadable. I think there's no problem with the path,in additoin,I can compile and register the demo adaptor,so the most likely cause of this that all of the libraries that the mwgigeimaq.dll depends on are not present on the system. Why can't I load the built-in adaptor?How can I solve the problem ?Thank you for replying me:D
regards, Linda

답변 (2개)

David Tarkowski
David Tarkowski 2012년 11월 26일
You do not need to call IMAQREGISTER on adaptors that the toolbox provides by default. In R2011b, the toolbox shipped with support for GigE Vision, so the mwgigeimaq.dll file is not a third party adaptor, it is part of the toolbox. If it is not loading, the most likely cause is that you do not have the GenICam libraries installed and configured on your system. You should run the INSTALLGENICAM function to install them:
>> cd(matlabroot);
>> installgenicam;
>> exit % You need to restart MATLAB at this point
In R2012b, we removed the need to install the GenICam libraries as a separate step, so calling the installgenicam function is no longer necessary.

Euan Strachan
Euan Strachan 2013년 5월 1일
편집: Euan Strachan 2013년 5월 1일
Having installed the genicam following these instructions, I still don't see the gige adaptor in the installed list (imaqhwinfo). I had previously installed a GigE view program, however removed this before running installgenicam. I've tried this on two versions of matlab (2011b and 2012b) and can't see the gige adaptor on either. The gige .dll files seem to be present in the adaptors folder. Is there something that I'm missing that will allow my copy of matlab to see the gige adaptor?

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