Get data in real time, draw graphics changing in real time.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Modestas Sekreckis
Modestas Sekreckis 2011년 4월 12일
Hi, I'm getting real-time data from the manipulator, its current position.
channel = ddeinit('ipc_data', 'ipc_1');
data(1,1)=ddereq(channel,'mw1311'); % X coordinate
data(1,2)=ddereq(channel,'mw1312');% Y coordinate
data(1,3)=ddereq(channel,'mw1313');% Z coordinate
I need to represent the manipulator's position on the chart. and when the manipulator moves, it should be evident in the chart.

채택된 답변

Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva 2011년 4월 12일
while 1
data(1,1)=ddereq(channel,'mw1311'); % X coordinate
data(1,2)=ddereq(channel,'mw1312');% Y coordinate
data(1,3)=ddereq(channel,'mw1313');% Z coordinate
set(p,'XData',[0 data(1,1)],'YData',[0 data(1,2)],'ZData',[0 data(1,3)])
pause(0.5) %read and draw data every 0.5 seconds
To stop the loop do CTRL+C
Alternative way, using a timer:
function test
h = plot3(NaN, NaN, NaN,'LineWidth',5);
t = timer('TimerFcn',@readdata,...
'Period', 0.5,'executionmode','fixedSpacing');start(t)
function readdata(g1,gg1)
if (~ishandle(fig)),stop(t),return,end
data(1,1)=ddereq(channel,'mw1311'); % X coordinate
data(1,2)=ddereq(channel,'mw1312');% Y coordinate
data(1,3)=ddereq(channel,'mw1313');% Z coordinate
set(p,'XData',[0 data(1,1)],'YData',[0 data(1,2)],'ZData',[0 data(1,3)])

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