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classes and the "set" method

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
kk 2020년 5월 26일
댓글: kk 2020년 5월 27일
I am trying to write a class in Matlab and I am new to it, sorry that I probably don't use the correct terminology. In a basic example, I would like to have data structured in this way:
classdef DummyBasic
av = 1;
classdef Dummy
X = 0;
a = DummyBasic;
Now, I would like to change X whenever a.av is changed. I guess it would be easy to do if a rearranged the properties X and av to a single class. But is it possible to somehow keep this structure (I am using Matlab2015b)?
Any help appreciated.

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Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2020년 5월 26일
Make X a Dependent property in class Dummy and make its get.X method compute the value of X using the current value of the av property. In the example on that documentation page X would behave like the Balance property while av would fill the role of the Currency and DollarAmount properties.
While I don't think this documentation page has changed significantly since release R2015b, if you want to be sure search your locally-installed documentation for "dependent property" and refer to the information on the release R2015b version of this page.
  댓글 수: 1
kk 2020년 5월 27일
Thank you, this is very helpful, I can now see how the structuring in Matlab works. Because I also want to store data in X, I decided it would be easier for me to define a function setAv() in the Dummy class, which will set the a.av and recalculate the X, instead of directly changing the a.av.

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