Fully standalone executable file

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Mitch Martelli
Mitch Martelli 2012년 11월 6일
Hi @ all,
I'm not an expert in compiler. I would like to ask if someone tried to create, starting from matlab m file, a complete standalone executable file.
I already read a lot of technical documentation and a saw different webinar about the Matlab Compiler.
I tried to following step by step the webinar's instruction :
  • Create the project (with the main file like a function)
  • Build the project including the MCR
  • Packing the project
But when i run the exe file in a PC without matlab and without the MCR the program doesnt works.
Where I wrong?
Another questions :
Exists some tecnhical documentation with a list and the explication of the whole files created after the project build?
What is the different between 'standalone application' and 'windows standalone application' ?
If i use the windows standalone application if possible use the exe file with differnt operating system (such as Windows vista and/or windows 7)?
Is it possible creates a unique exe file working in both 32 and 64 bit operating system ?
Thanks in advance
  댓글 수: 1
Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser 2012년 11월 6일
As I can't answer all questions: You need the MCR, otherwise it will not work ant it is designed like that. Maybe you want to generate C Code? Then look at the MATLAB Coder.

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채택된 답변

José-Luis 2012년 11월 6일
편집: José-Luis 2012년 11월 6일
You need to have Matlab runtime installed in the computer where you plan to run your project. Otherwise it will not work. You do not need to have Matlab installed however.
Technical documentation: I don't know.
Standalone vs windows standalone: windows standalone might need some system dll's to run. A vanilla standalone shouldn't.
32 bit vs 64 bit: a 32 bit app should run on a 64 bit system. A 64 bit app won't work in a 32 bit system. So it is possible if you use the 32 bit version of Matlab but impossible if you use the 64 bit one.
  댓글 수: 4
Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser 2012년 11월 8일
I see this as "real" as one need no MATLAB license.
Mitch Martelli
Mitch Martelli 2012년 11월 8일
Ok, I think that I will be closer to the reached solution. Only some doubts still remains.
When I Add the MCR Installer To the Deployment Package I see in the distib folder a windows batch file called '_install'.
When i distribute the stanalone apllication to a end user, the end user before run the application should run the _install file in order to install the MRC in the machine ?
P.S. sorry for the constant demands.

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추가 답변 (2개)

Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser 2012년 11월 8일
It is fine to be somewhat demanding, because you want to achieve a goal. Such community questions typically lead to fast answers, but you can never be sure of it and also if this will really bring you to a solution. You may want tio contact Technical Support.
  댓글 수: 1
Mitch Martelli
Mitch Martelli 2012년 11월 8일
Dear Andreas,
Finally I reached my goal! thanks to you, Jose-Luis and Kaustubha!
I would like to suggest to improve the technical documentation about the compiler, expecially the section regarding the distribution to end user and about the other files generated during the build (lacking some descriptions). In my opinion these sections are not clear enought.
Moreover, without the Technical Support, the community answers helps me to reflects about the problem that has allowed me to find the solution.

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Josue 2012년 11월 9일
HI Mitch,
I'm having the same question of you, Do you found the way to make it Full standalone executable file? When I generate the .exe file, if I don't place it on the same folder where the matlab functions (.m) and figures(.fig) are, the executable doesn't work.
  댓글 수: 5
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013년 1월 14일
Are you sure there are no "red items" in Dependency Walker (as recommended by the FAQ)?
David 2013년 1월 15일
Thanks for the help. I wasn't aware of that FAQ page. My problem is fixed now.
I'd like to be able to post what my solution was but I'm not actually sure which change was the crucial one :s . Dependency Walker flagged up some missing DLLs, but I wasn't able to replace them. Also, I think they may have been 'false positive' detections from Dependency Walker, because they were missing on the 32bit PC too, where the .exe worked fine. The two architectures were as Andreas guessed.
The .exe worked when I built and packaged it on the same (64bit) machine as the problem was occurring. Maybe that helped.
Anyway, thanks again for your helpful suggestions. Sorry I can't be clearer.

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