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figure: move line to second y-axis

조회 수: 20 (최근 30일)
Andreas 2020년 5월 18일
답변: Ameer Hamza 2020년 5월 18일
Hello everyone,
when using matlab figures, is there a way to move only one signal/line to a second y-axis?
is no solution for me, because the figures are derived from the simulation data inspector and thus without workspace data.
I would have expected to find such controls in the property inspector, similar to the functionality in excel, where you can choose "show on secondary axis".
  댓글 수: 2
darova 2020년 5월 18일
Can you manually scale the data?
Andreas 2020년 5월 18일
How do you mean that? Currently I have to plot volume flow and pressure drop of a pipe network vs. valve setting.
pressure drop and volume flow on the same scale does not work (unbalanced). How could scaling help?

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답변 (1개)

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020년 5월 18일
The following example shows how to transfer signals from 1 axes to other axes. First, create an example axes with two signals
fig = figure;
ax = axes();
p1 = plot(1:10);
p2 = plot(rand(1,10));
Now you can transfer p2 to the right axes using
yyaxis(ax, 'right');
p2_new = copyobj(p2, ax);
Note that if you don't already have handles of lines (p1, p2) then you can use findall() to get them.


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