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Update app designer field in external function

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Koen 2020년 5월 15일
댓글: Koen 2020년 5월 15일
I'm designing a Matlab app with the app designer. In the app GUI_mirror_cooling I have a 'run' button that executes a simulation script, sim_cooling_GUI. Since the simulation may take a long time, it would be nice to have a progress field. By calling a GUI_mirror_cooling update function periodically, this text field would be updated.
function RunButtonPushed(app, event)
sim_cooling_GUI(app.GUI_settings) % call the simulation function
And in sim_cooling_GUI, when current time is a fraction of the end time:
if t/t_end >= disp_update/100
disp(['Progress: ',num2str(t/t_end*100),'%']) % show progress in matlab command window
disp_update = disp_update + 1; % increment, disp_update/100 could also be used as output
update_progress_indicator(GUI_mirror_cooling,round(t/t_end*100),1); % show progress in app, ETA not yet implemented
The time step size is nonconstant, therefore I have a >= with disp_update.
Now, in the app GUI_mirror_cooling,
methods (Access = public)
function update_progress_indicator(app,progress,ETA)
app.ProgressEditField.Value = [num2str(progress),'%']; % progress in percent
app.ExpectedendtimeEditField.Value = num2str(ETA); % ETA, to be implemented
pause(0.001) % allow field to be updated
This however opens a new app window for every 1 % progress (with the correct progress field value). What I need is that the app window that is already open has its value updated. I have seen similar (old) questions that use handles, however I am unsure how to access the fields of the app window.

채택된 답변

Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes 2020년 5월 15일
Koen - it looks like your sim_cooling_GUI is a function (since you are passing in the app.GUI_Settings so why not just pass in the app object as well so that you update its progress rather than creating a new instance of the GUI?
function RunButtonPushed(app, event)
sim_cooling_GUI(app, app.GUI_settings) % call the simulation function
function sim_cooling_GUI(app, GUI_settings)
% some code
if t/t_end >= disp_update/100
disp(['Progress: ',num2str(t/t_end*100),'%']) % show progress in matlab command window
disp_update = disp_update + 1; % increment, disp_update/100 could also be used as output
update_progress_indicator(app,round(t/t_end*100),1); % show progress in app, ETA not yet implemented
So we use the passed in app rather than creating a new instance of the GUI.
  댓글 수: 1
Koen 2020년 5월 15일
Hello Geoff, thank you for your simple and clear answer. This solves my problem and helps me learn the language!

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