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Creating a logical array within a loop

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Amy Hassett
Amy Hassett 2020년 4월 16일
댓글: Amy Hassett 2020년 4월 16일
I am trying to create a logical array in a loop, wherein each iteration of the loop should create a new column in my array:
for i= 1:size(Behaviours) %Behaviours is a 27x1 cell array containing strings
temp = strcmp(Shank2_KOs(k).BehaviourType, Behaviours(i)); %creates the logical vectors
temp_array = temp(:,i);
  댓글 수: 2
Rik 2020년 4월 16일
You are overwriting both variables every iteration. What do you want to store in which variable?
Amy Hassett
Amy Hassett 2020년 4월 16일
I would like to store the colum vector output of "temp" as a new column in "temp_array".

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채택된 답변

Rik 2020년 4월 16일
In a loop the indexing works just as normal. I also made some other changes to your code.
for n= 1:numel(Behaviours) %Behaviours is a 27x1 cell array containing strings
temp = strcmp(Shank2_KOs(k).BehaviourType, Behaviours(n)); %creates the logical vectors
temp_array(:,n) = temp;
  댓글 수: 1
Amy Hassett
Amy Hassett 2020년 4월 16일
That worked perfectly, thanks a million!

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