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1D Cable Model

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Kate Heinzman
Kate Heinzman 2020년 4월 12일
댓글: darova 2020년 4월 13일
Taking the code below how do I fix the plote of Vm(x) at 11 time points t = 0,2,4,...20? I tried doing it as t = [0:2:20], but it kept giving me an error. Then how do I plot curves of Vm(t) at 11 equally spaced x points along the cable. The code I have for this is also giving me errors. Then once that is resolved how do I make a plot of time constants of Vm(t) as a time to reach (1 - (1/e)) of the final Vm value at 11 points along the cable? I have how to find time constants of Vm(t), but I'm not sure how to plot multiple at 11 points along the cable.
% Model parameters
a = 0.001; % cable radius, cm
L = 1; % cable length, cm
Rm = 5000; % membrane resistivity, Ohm*cm^2
Cm = 1; % membrane capacitance, uF/cm^2
Ri = 500; % intracellular resistivity, Ohm*cm
E = 5; % shock field, V/cm
T = 50; % duration of integration, ms
dt = 0.020; % time integration step, ms
dx = 0.0100;% space integration step, cm
tau = Rm*Cm*0.001; % membrane time constant, ms
lambda = sqrt((a*Rm)/(2*Ri)); % space constant, cm
nt = (T/dt) + 1; % number of time points
nx = round(L/dx)+1; % number of nodes
x = -L/2 : dx : L/2; % coordinates of nodes
mesh = dt*lambda^2/(tau*dx^2); % stability requirement mesh < 0.5
% Simplifying equation mathematics for loop
kt = dt/tau;
kx = lambda^2/dx^2;
% Preallocation
vm = zeros(nt,nx);
time = zeros(1,nt);
% Start loop at 2 because of initial condition vm(1,i) = 0
for j = 2 : nt % time loop
for i = 2 : (nx-1) % space loop for internal nodes; Euler method
vm(j,i) = vm(j-1,i) + kt*(kx*(vm(j-1,i+1) - 2*vm(j-1,i) + vm(j-1,i-1)) - vm(j-1,i));
% Updated boundary conditions
vm(j,1) = (4*vm(j,2) - vm(j,3) - 2* E*dx)/3; % vm at left edge from boundary conditions
vm(j,nx) = (4*vm(j,nx-1) - vm(j,nx-2) + 2*E*dx)/3; % vm at right edge from boundary conditions
time(j+1) = time(j) + dt;
vm = 1000*vm; % convert from V to mV
% Analytical solution
vmAna = 1000*E*lambda*(sinh(x/lambda)/cosh(L/(2*lambda)));
% Plot curves Vm(x) at 11 time points where t = 0,2,4,...20 ms
% Gives an error if try to do t as t = [0:2:20];
t = [2:2:20];
xlabel('x (cm)');
ylabel('Vm (mV)');
title('Figure 2: L = 1 cm');
% title('Figure 2: L = 0.1 cm');
% Plot curves Vm(t) at 11 equally spaced x points along the cable
xx = linspace(-0.5,0.5,11);
xlabel('t (ms)');
ylabel('Vm (mV)');
title('Figure 2: L = 1 cm');
% title('Figure 2: L = 0.1 cm');
% Plot time constants of Vm(t) change as time to reach (1-1/e) of the final
% Vm value at 11 points along the cable
% find time constant of Vm(t) as a time to reach (1-1/e)*Vm_final
j = 1;
level = 1-1/exp(1);
while (abs(vm(j)) < level*vm(nt))
j = j+1;
taunum = j*dt;
  댓글 수: 5
Kate Heinzman
Kate Heinzman 2020년 4월 13일
Ok thanks I fixed it. Can you please answer my other two questions?
darova 2020년 4월 13일
If i understood you correctly: you want to find point where t=1-1/e
imax = find(t>1-1/exp(1),1,'first'); % index
Then to some plots or something

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