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narrowing down data sample

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Sehoon Chang
Sehoon Chang 2020년 4월 8일
댓글: Sehoon Chang 2020년 4월 8일
Hi all,
I have set restrictions to sample the outlier data and wish to narrow down outliers samples.
Three restrictions that i have set are:
  1. zscore above 3
  2. W(idx) above 15
  3. three consecutive W(idx) having same value.
Values that meet all three resitrictions shall be classified as outliers.
idx is the time variable and the W is the result.
I came up with this equation, but the result of what i wish to get is only upto the second restriction right.
please help me out how to restructure the last restriction correctly.
Thanks all.
stdDev = std(W(idx))
meanValue = mean(W(idx))
zFactor = 3
outliers = find((abs(W(idx)-meanValue) > (zFactor * stdDev)) & (W(idx) > 15) & (W(idx) == W(idx-1) == W(idx-2) == (W(idx-3))))
  댓글 수: 2
It might works, if you check the conecutives same values in fifferent assigment (line). Later you can easily combine them.
There the multiple answered threads to check the cosecutivs numbers, you may look at diff function
Sehoon Chang
Sehoon Chang 2020년 4월 8일

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