How do I partition my data into XTrain and YTrain with Code.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
ikeuwanuakwa 2020년 3월 31일
댓글: Adam Danz 2020년 4월 22일
I want to learn how to partition data into XTrain and YTrain with code.
I usually do it manually, but I want to learn how to assign the last Row or Column as YTrain and the remaining as XTrain.
for example, I have 10 variables and I want to select the variable 1 - 9 as XTrain and 10 as YTrain
  댓글 수: 5
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2020년 4월 22일
Glad I could help!
Worthy of mentioning: cvpartition(), although it may not be useful for this particular problem based on your description.

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