reconstruction Error of 2 colored images

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
fadams18 2020년 3월 31일
편집: fadams18 2020년 3월 31일
I have an original image of dimension 300x300x3 (RGB)
after removing some entries, I apply an algorithm to reconstuct the original image.
Now i want to find the relative error between the 2 images.
% I call my function norm_fro to calcuate the error
Erec(i)= norm_fro( X_origin , X_r ecovered);
% here is my norm_fro function
function f = norm_fro( X , Xhat )
f = norm(X -Xhat,'fro')^2/norm(X,'fro')^2;
I get this error
Error using norm
Input must be 2-D.
Error in norm_fro (line 11)
f = norm(X -Xhat,'fro')^2/norm(X,'fro')^2;

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