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How do I generate a vector of random integers without repeats and with j+2 constraints?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
I need to generate a vector of 64 random integers with the following constraints:
  1. The number have to be between 1 and 9 (excluding 4);
  2. There can be no j+1 repeats (i.e. [5 6 6]);
  3. There have to be 16 j+2 repeats (i.e. [5 6 5]);
I can get constraints 1 & 2 to work alone as well as constraint 3 alone using while. However, when I include them together (see below), the script just continues and doesn't give an output.
clear all, clc
x = randi([1,8],64,1);
x(x==4) = 9; % converts all 4s into 9s
y = diff(x); y2 = [9; y]; x2 = [x y2]; % repeat identifier column
while any(diff(x)==0)
while size(find(([x; 999; 999]-[999; 999; x])==0),1) ~=16
x = randi([1,8],64,1);
x(x==4) = 9;
length(find(diff(x)==0)) % gives the number of j+1 repeats
Any suggestions on where to go from here would be excellent.
Just so you know where I'm going with this, once I've accomplished this, I would like to add two further constraints:
4. I would like to restrict the probability of each integer to .125 (i.e. each integer would be included 8 times);
5. There would be 8 j+2 repetitions involving each integer.

답변 (2개)

Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva 2011년 1월 27일
%constraints 1 2 3
while(numel(x)~=64) %get more values until we get enough
x = randi([1,8],80,1);
x(x==4) = 9; %substitute 4 by 9
x(diff(x)==0)=[] %remove repeated values
%find 16 values repeated with other in the middle
for a=1:numel(x)
for b=1:2:numel(x)-2
if (x(b)==x(b+2))
if (c==16)
  댓글 수: 1
Todd Flanagan
Todd Flanagan 2011년 1월 28일
Devin says, "Paulo, your script meets constraints #1 and #2 but it doesn't meet #3, it consistently yields fewer than 16 j+2 repeats."

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Matt Fig
Matt Fig 2011년 1월 28일
Some of your constraints would seem to be exclusive at first read. Here is an attempt at all 5:
N = [1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9];
A = zeros(4,16);
for ii = 1:4:13
A(:,ii:ii+3) = repmat(reshape(N(randperm(8)),2,4),2,1);
B = randperm(16);
Vec = zeros(1,64);
Vec(1:4) = A(:,B(1)); % This is our resultant vector.
cnt = 5;
for ii = B(2:16)
T = A(:,ii);
if T(1) == Vec(cnt-1)
T = T(4:-1:1);
Vec(cnt:cnt + 3) = T;
cnt = cnt + 4;
  댓글 수: 1
Todd Flanagan
Todd Flanagan 2011년 1월 28일
Devin says, "Matt, your script is very helpful as well. You are correct that my constraints are exclusive. I made a mistake - constraint #5 should be that there should be 2 j+2 repetitions involving each integer, resulting in a total of 16, as in constraint #3.
At present, your script doesn't appear very random but I imagine this is probably because you were trying to meet (my mistaken) constraint #5. If it reduced down to 2 j+2 repetitions per integer, it may work out."

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