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Legend Positioning in Tiled Chart Layout

조회 수: 83 (최근 30일)
Manuel Eichenlaub
Manuel Eichenlaub 2020년 2월 15일
댓글: Adam Danz 2020년 11월 20일
I have created 2 by 2 tiled chart and I want to position the legend centered above the figure. For some reason, MATLAB 2019b, which I am using, has locked the 'Position' property of the legend when usend in a tiled chart.
Firstly, why would they do this, and secondly does someone know a workaround?
  댓글 수: 1
Kyle Johnson
Kyle Johnson 2020년 9월 23일
편집: Kyle Johnson 2020년 9월 23일
I have the same problem. I have even tried specifying the legend position to none.

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Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2020년 9월 23일
" MATLAB 2019b ... has locked the 'Position' property of the legend when usend in a tiled chart."
Yes, that's correct.
Starting in r2020b the legend placement is more flexible and supports changes to the position propery as well as setting "location" relative to the tiled layout.
x = magic(4);
ax(1) = nexttile;
plot(x,'.','MarkerSize', 20)
ax(2) = nexttile;
ax(3) = nexttile;
plot(x,'-','LineWidth', 2)
ax(4) = nexttile;
ax(4).Colormap = lines(256);
lh =legend(ax(1),'Location','NorthOutside','Orientation','Horizontal');
lh.Layout.Tile = 'North'; % <----- relative to tiledlayout
  댓글 수: 6
Manuel Eichenlaub
Manuel Eichenlaub 2020년 9월 23일
The reason I am using the tiled layout in the first place is because it offers a nice way to efficiently fill the complete figure by the axes like I my example above and have all axes the same sizes irrespective of labels or the layout, e.g. 2x2. I find this quite important when exporting the figures as pictures, e.g. for publications.
When using subplot, it always annoyed me that it leaves a lot of white space on the borders and in between the axes by default, which I find wasteful when you have limited space for a figure on a page. As far as I know there is no way to change that without setting the sizes of each axis individually. I have tried to write scripts to do this automatically in the past, but it was always a hustle so I ended up setting the sizes of the axis by hand. But thanks to the tiled layout this is no longer necessary.
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2020년 9월 23일
In the past I've use tight_subplot from the file exchange to do what you're describing with regular subplots.

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Kyle Johnson
Kyle Johnson 2020년 9월 23일
So this is really annoying. This is the workaround I developed. You can just create a new axis over the entire tiled layout, plot some NaNs there, and then set that axis to invisible. You then have a floating legend to reposition.
I made some room for that legend by adjusting the inner position of the tiled layout.
axs is an array containing all of the axes handles. t is the handle to the tiled layout.
var1name = 'annoyance (metric ton)';
var2name = 'frustration (ounces)';
ylabel(axs(2),['mean: ' var1name])
ylabel(axs(4),['mean: ' var2name])
xlabel(axs(3),'coding hour (hr)');
xlabel(axs(4),'coding hour (hr)');
t.InnerPosition = [t.InnerPosition(1) .15 t.InnerPosition(3) (t.InnerPosition(4)+t.InnerPosition(1)-.15)];
tmp = axes(fh1);
hold on
l = legend(tmp,{'attempt1','attempt2'},'Orientation','horizontal');
l.Position(1:2) = [.5-l.Position(3)/2 .025];
l.Title.String = 'Attempts';
tmp.Visible = 'off';
  댓글 수: 2
Daniel 2020년 11월 20일
I think this is what I'm looking for, but I get an error when using InnerPosition with the handle for the tiledlayout. Any ideas?
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2020년 11월 20일
You must be using a version of Matlab prior to r2020b as my answer explains.
This answer applies changes to InnerPosition to axes that are independent to tiledLayout.

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