How to detect the 'end' directive in subsref?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Alex Kashuba
Alex Kashuba 2020년 1월 30일
댓글: Alex Kashuba 2020년 1월 30일
Hi all!
I am trying to reimplement the indexing of the object. Let us take as an example this primitive class that return the substript
classdef buffer
function value = subsref(obj, S)
value = S(1).subs{1};
Let's create object
Then buf(7) returns 7. buf(3:7) returns [3 4 5 6 7]. All good so far. Then buf(:) returns char ':'. Ok, can process that. Now comes the funny part:
buf(end) returns 1
buf(end+1) returns 2
buf(1:end) returns 1
buf(2:end) returns []
Question: is there a workaround so that 'end' is not always equivalent of 1, but I would be able to add my own implementation?

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Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2020년 1월 30일
Overload the end method for your class as described on this documentation page.
The reason end was always taking the value 1 is probably because your object is a scalar (size [1 1]) that internally contains an array. Consider overloading size to return the size of that internal array if appropriate.
  댓글 수: 1
Alex Kashuba
Alex Kashuba 2020년 1월 30일
Yep, precisely what I needed, thanks!
P.S. No, overloading 'size' won't work for me, I'm making a fifo with random access, so internal array will partially empty, and I will have to implement the indexing separately. But overloading 'end' should do. Thanks!

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