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How to say remove "-1" from the end of a string if exists?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Zeynab Mousavikhamene
Zeynab Mousavikhamene 2020년 1월 29일
답변: Guillaume 2020년 1월 29일
I have array of strings that some of them have "-1" at the end. Like "sectioned-1".
How can I get rid of "-1" from the end of thos strings?

답변 (2개)

Guillaume 2020년 1월 29일
easiest way is probably with:
newarray = regexprep(yourstringarray, '-1$', '');
works with cell arrays of char vectors as well.

Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar 2020년 1월 29일
편집: Ajay Kumar 2020년 1월 29일
play with positions. For eg:
S = 'sectioned-1';
S = S(1:end-2)
For an array, write this in a simple for loop.


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