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ode23s, ode15s, what to use?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Laura 2012년 10월 4일
Hi, I have a set of 5 ODE's with 12 unknown parameters (yes, I know this is a LOT of parameters!) that I am trying to fit to data. I know my problem is stiff but it is not clear to me which ode solver I should use, ode23s or ode15s.
I had some initial guess for the values of the parameters so I ran the ode with both ode23s and ode15s.
I was expecting ode23s and ode15s to behave similarly, but the differences are huge! Please see attached results.
I read the documentation but cannot figure out which one is better. So, my question is: How to decide between ode15s and ode23s?
this is my code: function xout = testStiffODE clear all clc %clf
y0c1 = [297*10^3,0.01,0,0];
y0c2 = [999*10^3,0,0,0];
y0exp1 = [870*10^3,185*10^3,0,0];
y0exp2 = [710*10^3,953*10^3,0,0];
y0 = [y0c1;y0c2;y0exp1;y0exp2];
tvalues = 7*[0.0 0.4 1.0 1.4 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 28.0 32.0];
a = 1.0;
aprime = 2*10^(-1);
beta = 1*10^(-8);
c = 4;
d = 10^(-3);
delta = 0.88;
k = 5*10^3;
kappa = 1*10^(-2);
lambdaS = 1*10^(-2);
lambdaR = 4*10^(-2);
m = 10^3;
n = 1*10^(4);
p = 10^(-5);
rho = 1 ;
theta = 0.0001;
V0 = 1.e-4;
p0eq32 = [aprime, beta, c, d, ...
k, kappa, lambdaS,...
lambdaR,m, n, theta,V0];
%extra parameters:
extraparams = [[297.0*10^3,0];[999.0*10^3,0];[870.0*10^3,185*10^3];[710.0*10^3,444*10^3];[775.72*10^3, 84.28*10^3]];
extraparams1 = [[297.0*10^3,0, delta];[999.0*10^3,0, delta];[870.0*10^3,185*10^3, delta];[710.0*10^3,444*10^3, delta];[775.72*10^3, 84.28*10^3,delta]];
%create test data:
myfunName = @myeq;
ival = 3;
initCond = [y0(ival,:), p0eq32(1,end)];
[tout, yout] = ode23s(myfunName,tvalues,initCond,[],p0eq32(1:end-1),extraparams1(ival,:));
[tout1, yout1] = ode15s(myfunName,tvalues,initCond,[],p0eq32(1:end-1),extraparams1(ival,:));
abs(yout1 - yout)
function dydt = myeq(t,y,params,extraparams)
myparams = num2cell(params);
[aprime, beta, c, d, k, kappa, lambdaS, lambdaR,m, n, theta] = myparams{:};
S0 = extraparams(1,1);
R0 = extraparams(1,2);
delta = extraparams(1,3);
S= y(1,:); R = y(2,:); I = y(3,:); L = y(4,:); V = y(5,:);
%definition of g:
g = kappa*(I+L)/(I+L+m);
dydt0 = lambdaS*S0 -(d + aprime*(V./(V+n)))*S- beta*S*V;
dydt1 = lambdaR*R0 -(d + aprime*(V./(V+n)))*R -beta*theta*R*V;
dydt2 = beta*S*V - (delta + aprime*(V./(V+n)) + g)*I;
dydt3 = theta*beta*R*V - (delta + aprime*(V./(V+n)) + g)*L;
dydt4 = k*(I+L) - c*V;
dydt = [dydt0; dydt1; dydt2; dydt3; dydt4];
This is the output (I just printed the last column for the sake of length):
Column 5
  댓글 수: 1
Babak 2012년 10월 4일
Seems you want the integrators integrate the equations in myfunName = @shiveq33;
Where did you define shiveq33?
I don't find it in your code above.
You are also showing myeq() which is not used here at all...
By the way, what are the 12 unknowns you are talking about?

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답변 (2개)

Laura 2012년 10월 4일
Hi Babak,
Yes, sorry, I meant to say @myeq which is defined above. The 12 unknowns I am talking about are the parameters of the ODE, defined in the vector p0eq32. In my real problem, I don't know what these parameters are, and this is just an initial guess. Once I figure out what is the correct solver to use, I can ask the following question, which relates to fitting the ode to data that I have.

Babak 2012년 10월 4일
As for the discrepansy of ODE15s and ODE23s or ODE23tb 's responses, I would suggest you to integrate the equations for a very short period of time with a fine timespan. Sometimes the ODE solvers show different behaviour when they reacha singularity. This might have happenned in your case because I guess you probably just randomly set the coefficients in p0eq32.


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