Beagleboard USB input block code generation

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
NASREEN 2012년 10월 3일
댓글: Graziano Ullucci 2014년 6월 25일
Is there any way, using BeageBoard as hardware Target, one can create a simulink model that uses USB port to receive recorded signals from memory stick? I know there is an Embedded Coder BeagleBoard example but there is no mention of using USB ports.

답변 (1개)

Murat Belge
Murat Belge 2012년 10월 4일
Yes. It is possible to use data stored in a USB memory stick on BeagleBoard. In R2012a and R2012b, Simulink comes with a BeagleBoard Support Package I recommend using this support package with BeagleBoard.
A memory stick inserted into one of the USB ports of the BeagleBoard appear as a drive. You may need to mount the drive before being able to use it. If the file is a text file for example, you can then use an Embedded MATLAB Function block to open the file on the USB memory stick and read the contents and feed them to the Simulink model. The MATLAB code you will need is in "Read a Text File" demo in MATLAB coder.
  댓글 수: 4
NASREEN 2012년 10월 16일
I first converted .mat file into .dat file. I tried coding the opening and reading dat file in embedded matlab function block. Yet I face problems in building the code. Can you give me a sample code of reading .dat file which contain multidimentional matirx in embedded code.
Graziano Ullucci
Graziano Ullucci 2014년 6월 25일
To Murat Belge Your answer is inappropiate and do not add any useful information. Please avoid unuseful answer or comment like mine in the future.

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