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Proportion of pixels in black

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Oscar Tsang
Oscar Tsang 2019년 10월 25일
댓글: Oscar Tsang 2019년 10월 25일
my question is that how to find the proportion of black points after converting the image into black and white. I have alreay converted the image using im2bw(the_resized_image) and resized it to make it smaller. I know you can find the sum or use logical expressions, just don't know how to implement it. any help would be greatly appriciated.
  댓글 수: 6
darova 2019년 10월 25일
Exactly! You are reading my mind!
Oscar Tsang
Oscar Tsang 2019년 10월 25일
I just had a moment, thanks for the help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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