Inline function is not working properly

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Rafael Perales
Rafael Perales 2019년 10월 25일
답변: Guillaume 2019년 10월 25일
So I am trying to make a stem graph and the text book uses inline to create a function for discrete time function but I keep having errors using it. The function is i just want to know for either an alternative or why the inline function isnt working with my code. Snippet of code not working:
n = -10:10;
f = inline('e^(-n/5).*cos(pi*n/5).*(n>=0)','n');

채택된 답변

Guillaume 2019년 10월 25일
is exp(x) in matlab. There is no need for inline:
f = @(n) exp(-n/5) .* cos(pi*n/5) .* (n>=0);
assuming is n>=0.

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