How Can I White Space From Both Axis in Surface Plot?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Ted Baker
Ted Baker 2019년 10월 21일
댓글: Star Strider 2019년 10월 21일
Hi I'm trying to remove the whitespace around some surface plots I have made:
I have tried using linspace in both dimensions, but can only remove the white space on the x axis (appears as y axis on the image above as I've rotated the plot). My code is as follows:
amp_limits = linspace(first_amp, last_amp, num_amp);
term_limits = linspace(first_term, last_term, num_terms);
BER_mat = reshape(BER_single, num_terms, num_amp);
amp_mat = first_amp:amp_res:(last_amp-amp_res);
term_mat = first_term:2:last_term;
[amp_mat, term_mat] = meshgrid(amp_limits, term_limits);
%surface in 3D
surf(amp_mat, term_mat, BER_mat);
This removes the white space along the top of the image, but not on the sides. Why is this?
Thanks in advance.

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Star Strider
Star Strider 2019년 10월 21일
See the axis function section on Set Axis Limits. You can set them to be whatever you want.
  댓글 수: 2
Ted Baker
Ted Baker 2019년 10월 21일
Thanks for the pointer. For completeness I've attached my working code below:
BER_mat = reshape(BER_single, num_terms, num_amp);
amp_mat = first_amp:amp_res:(last_amp-amp_res);
term_mat = first_term:1:(last_term/2)+0.5;
%surface in 3D
surf(amp_mat, term_mat, BER_mat);
xlabel('Amplitude (V_p_p)');
ylabel('Number of Fourier Terms');
title('BER plot');
axis([first_amp (last_amp-(amp_res)) first_term ((last_term/2)+0.5)]);
Star Strider
Star Strider 2019년 10월 21일
As always, my pleasure!
I appreciate your posting your working code. It will help others who read this.

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