Where can I find code that is written to plot functions better than the built-in MATLAB plotting functions?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Where can I find code that is written to plot functions better than the built-in MATLAB plotting functions?
  댓글 수: 10
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012년 9월 27일
What steps are you currently using to export from MATLAB into Powerpoint ?

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답변 (4개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012년 9월 19일
A lot of people find the MATLAB File Exchange contribution "plt" to be useful.

Jan 2012년 9월 20일
Can PowerPoint import SVGs? If so, FEX: Plot2SVG is a nice solution. If not, PowerPoint is a kind of boring.

owr 2012년 9월 27일
Ive been creating alot of ppt presentations lately with snapshots of figures from MATLAB. To facilitate this, I created a short cut with the following commands:
set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1]);
imclipboard('copy', export_fig());
Both "imclipboard" and "export_fig" can be found on the File exchange (big thanks to the authors).
My process is simple:
1) Generate the plot I want in MATLAB. 2) Maximize the figure window 3) Click on my shortcut (or whatever method you want to run those 2 lines of code) 4) Open PPT to the slide I want 5) Ctrl-V to paste the image (I'm on a PC with Windows 7) 6) Position/resize the image in appropriately PPT.
Maybe this will help?
Ive also used this trick hundreds of times to embed images in (Outlook) emails for my colleagues.

Robert Cumming
Robert Cumming 2012년 9월 27일
Sounds like you want to perform a copy that is vector graphics - rather than a snapshot.
I used to export images to PPT but due to this issue I stopped exporting (via publish) to PPT and now produce .ps files via the print command and convert the postscript (ps) file to a PDF - that way I get my images into a file and the user can zoom in as far as they want and quality is not lost. :)
I use the standard print command for the job - or Jan has already linked a FEX which can save files as SVG - according to this link it should be possible to copy into office - but I've not tested it.


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