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How can I form a brick or cylinder and visualize it in simulink?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
ugur ozenc
ugur ozenc 2012년 9월 17일
I am trying to visualize a rough car model. It should just have a body and 4 wheels. I am triyng to do it in simmechanics.

답변 (2개)

Ryan G
Ryan G 2012년 9월 17일
In SimMechanics 2 this is already done inside of the solid body block.
In SimMechanics 1 this can be accomplished by defining the coordinates of the endpoint of the brick. However, if you are in SimMechanics 1 and just starting a project, I would move on to SimMechanics 2 to take advantage of the advancements.

ugur ozenc
ugur ozenc 2012년 9월 18일
Thank you very much. I solved the problem when I added solver configuration. But when I put more the one solid blocks all of them lay on the origin. I can not move the solid blocks or change their positions by using ist parameters. Is there any way that I can put the blocks in different positions?
  댓글 수: 1
Ryan G
Ryan G 2012년 9월 18일
Sounds like you are just getting started with simmechanics. I would suggest checking out the videos, demos and webinars on the product page.

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