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Error for Scripts on GPU

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Maxime Rivard
Maxime Rivard 2019년 9월 12일
답변: Rajani Mishra 2020년 2월 10일
I am building a function, and calling it with on gpu with @arrayfun(). That function calls another function inside of it, and I get this error: ''Error using gpuArray/arrayfun. Scripts are not supported on the GPU.''
But I have done it in the past and it works fine (Below, computeNewDelta() is a function I made, that I call)... What is my problem?
function [count,Zn]=computeMandelbrotIterationsByDeltaForImage(orbit,Xdelta0,Ydelta0,iteration)
function [count,Zn] = innerCompute(dx0,dy0)
deltaX = dx0;
deltaY = dy0;
count = 1;
Xn = refOrbitX(1,1)+deltaX;
Yn = refOrbitY(1,1)+deltaY;
while ( (Xn*Xn+Yn*Yn) < 10000 && count <= maxIterations )
Xn = refOrbitX(count,1)+deltaX;
Yn = refOrbitY(count,1)+deltaY;
[deltaX,deltaY] = computeNewDelta(Xn,deltaX,Yn,deltaY,dx0,dy0);
count = count + 1;
[count,Zn] = arrayfun( @innerCompute,Xdelta0,Ydelta0);

답변 (1개)

Rajani Mishra
Rajani Mishra 2020년 2월 10일
Possibly the cause for the error: “Error using gpuArray/arrayfun. Scripts are not supported on the GPU. is that not all the functions used in your script are GPU supported. Please check that the functions using gpuArrays as input arguments are GPU supported. You can refer to the following link for more information:


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