Save data from MatLab GUI to struct .mat file

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Dams 2019년 9월 11일
댓글: Rik 2019년 9월 12일
I am new to working with GUI's and GUIDE in MatLab, but I am trying to make (what I thought would be) a simple and quick to make GUI for assigning values to audio recordings.
The GUI is to be used for plotting and playing audiosamples of a beating heart, where I should be able to listen to the sample and determine the number of heart beats in the sample. I should then write the number of beats in a 'edit text' box and save the name of the current audiosample together with the number of heart beats in a struct to be used later. I have everything working except saving data to a struct.
My code:
% --- Executes on button press in saveBeats.
function saveBeats_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to saveBeats (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
currentFileName = getappdata(0,'currFile'); %gets the name of current audiosample
currentBeats = get(handles.numBeats,'Value'); %gets the number of beats written in the edit box
currentIndex = get(handles.listbox1,'Value'); %gets the index of the current audiosample from a listbox
beatData = struct('filename',{},'numberOfBeats',{}); %creation of simple struct with two fields: 'filename' and 'numberOfBeats')
beatData(currentIndex).filename = currentFileName; %saves the name of the audiofile to 'filename'-field in the struct beatData at index
beatData(currentIndex).numberOfBeats = currentBeats; %saves the number of beats
save('beatData.mat', 'beatData'); %save the struct as a .mat file
What I get from this code is a struct saved as 'beatData.mat', however it only saves the last entry. So if I only save the first sample with e.g. 12 heart beats, I get a 1x1 struct with two fields, of the sample name and 12 beats. All good. But if I move on to the next sample I get a 1x2 struct with the fields at the second row filled but the first row empty.
I need a way to save the sample name and number of heart beats to a struct or anything outside the GUI.
I hope my question is clear, otherwise plases ask and I will try to elaborate.

채택된 답변

Rik 2019년 9월 11일
편집: Rik 2019년 9월 11일
You should always load to a struct. That makes it clear where variables come from. Then it is also easier to extend the struct instead of creating a new struct every time like you're doing.
% --- Executes on button press in saveBeats.
function saveBeats_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to saveBeats (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
if exist('beatData.mat','file')
beatData = struct('filename',{},'numberOfBeats',{}); %creation of simple struct with two fields: 'filename' and 'numberOfBeats')
currentFileName = getappdata(0,'currFile'); %gets the name of current audiosample
currentBeats = get(handles.numBeats,'Value'); %gets the number of beats written in the edit box
currentIndex = get(handles.listbox1,'Value'); %gets the index of the current audiosample from a listbox
beatData(currentIndex).filename = currentFileName; %saves the name of the audiofile to 'filename'-field in the struct beatData at index
beatData(currentIndex).numberOfBeats = currentBeats; %saves the number of beats
save('beatData.mat', 'beatData'); %save the struct as a .mat file
  댓글 수: 2
Dams 2019년 9월 12일
Ok, so the problem was that whenever I pushed the button to save to my struct, I created a new struct and saved to it, thus discarding the old struct.
This helped me. Thank you for you quick answer!
Rik 2019년 9월 12일
As always, you're welcome, that was indeed the issue.

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