vectorised code is terribly slower

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Michal 2019년 9월 9일
댓글: Michal 2019년 9월 9일
Why is the vectorized version of simple local maxima detection code significantly slower (~2-3 times) than its for-loop version?
%ntest data
X = rand(100000,1000);
% findig local maxima over columns of X
% for-loop version
[I,J] = size(X);
Ind = false(I,J);
for j = 1:J
Ind(:,j) = diff( sign( diff([0; X(:,j); 0]) ) ) < 0;
% vectorized version (~3 times slower than for-loop)
Ind_ = diff(sign(diff([zeros(1,J);X;zeros(1,J)],1,1)),1,1) < 0;
% result identity test
  댓글 수: 6
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2019년 9월 9일
It is possibly that the DIFF implementation on array does not access sequently memory in case of 2D array data, but row-by-row of the array, that might slow down.
I don't think the multi-threading is wrongly implemented.
Michal 2019년 9월 9일
The main problem is, that during continuous development of JIT engine are alwyas changing MATLAB performance characteristics for vectorized codes. In general, the standard for-loop codes becomes faster and faster.
I have plenty of highly vectorized MATLAB codes created during last 10 years, which are during last few years becomes slower than theirs for-loop counter parts. So, there is no code performance stability.

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