조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
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Is there a way to use MATLAB as Java IDE (like NetBeans, Eclipse, ecc.) ?
How can I find a guide or somewhat for it ?
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답변 (4개)
Titus Edelhofer
2012년 9월 11일
Hi Alessandro,
no, not really. Of course you can edit the java files with the MATLAB editor, and compile them calling the java compiler from command window e.g. like
!javac -cp .
but I only do this for very (!) simple java files. Otherwise, that's what eclipse and NetBeans are for ...
댓글 수: 0
Malcolm Lidierth
2012년 9월 11일
It would probably be better to use NetBeans and co. for the development, compiling etc. But you can usefully use MATLAB as an interactive environment for testing the code - start MATLAB with the -jdb option and attach your IDE's profiler to the specified port. Code snippets can also be tested out by running a Java console from the MATLAB command line e.g. the Groovy Console gives you a GUI for loading jars etc.
If you are on a Mac, you can even recompile, clear classes and reload the jars without exiting MATLAB - albeit with some limitations as the method signatures will be get cached.
For details, look at Yair Altman's Undocumented MATLAB blog (and book):
댓글 수: 3
Yair Altman
2012년 9월 11일
Take a look at MatClipse, a Matlab plugin for Eclipse:
Wolfgang Garn
2014년 12월 1일
I have to agree with Titus. However, one could create a very simple IDE. You can add a new shortcut to the quick access toolbar:

Here is some underlying code (far from perfect, but a start):
function javac
% Compiles "simple" java files currently in the Matlab editor to its java classes
% TODO: does not work for packages - use javaclasspath, parse file, consider dependencies
openDocuments = matlab.desktop.editor.getAll;
files = {openDocuments.Filename};
original_folder = pwd;
for filename=files
[pathstr,name,ext] = fileparts(filename{1});
if strcmp(ext,'.java')
dos(['javac ' name ext],'-echo'); % assumes javac is on path
% TODO: find javac automatically, usually in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\bin
fprintf(1,'Compiled %s%s\n',name,ext);
javaaddpath(pathstr); % to make changes active in Matlab reload java class path
% TODO: consider static class path as well
%msgbox('Compiled all current java files to classes','javac');
댓글 수: 0
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