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Reading names of preexisting figures and combining figures that share the same name?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
ethan campbell
ethan campbell 2019년 8월 16일
마감: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021년 8월 20일
If there are multiple existing figures in the form of line/scatter plots, is there a function or script that could be used to merge figures that have the same names?
I have figures: Alpha, Alpha, Beta, Beta, Beta, Gamma
I want both plots for Alpha to be merged onto one figure, all three Beta plots to be merged into one figure, and the Gamma plot to remain with no changes.
  댓글 수: 3
ethan campbell
ethan campbell 2019년 8월 16일
I was using a reading loop to read and graph data from multiple files in a folder; your first answer gave me some ideas and I ended up getting the results that I needed. Thank you!
dpb 2019년 8월 16일
Great!!! Glad to prompt an alternate (and better) solution. I figured something like that was going on... :)

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