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Displaying special characters in dialog box

조회 수: 12 (최근 30일)
Christo van Rensburg
Christo van Rensburg 2019년 7월 13일
답변: dpb 2019년 7월 13일
Hi there
I'm trying to display certain special characters in brackets in a dialog box. The common way of doing it doesn't work for me, i.e. '\theta' or whatever the character may be. I'm writing the characters in a cell array.
My code is:
prompt = {'Air Temperature [celsius]', 'Firing Angle [degrees]', 'Lattitude [degrees]'};
The text in bold above is where I cannot insert the characters necessary.
Thanks in advance.

답변 (1개)

dpb 2019년 7월 13일
Dialogs don't have 'Interpreter' property, unfortunately, and they're not full-blown text objects underneath. Have to hardcode the ASCII code into the string.
circ=char(176); % dependent upon locale/system for specific character value
prompt = sprintf(['Air Temperature ' circ 'C %.1f Firing Angle %d' circ ' Lattitude %0.1f' circ],T,A,L);
Modifying the example slightly for dialog
function myprompt
prompt = sprintf(['Air Temperature %.1f' circ 'C Firing Angle %d' circ ' Lattitude %0.1f' circ],27.5,23,33.3);
d = dialog('Position',[300 300 350 150],'Name','My Dialog', ...
txt = uicontrol('Parent',d,...
'Position',[20 80 300 40],...
btn = uicontrol('Parent',d,...
'Position',[130 20 70 25],...
looks pretty close...


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