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Digital acquisiton speed, it misses pulses

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Alejandro Martín
Alejandro Martín 2012년 8월 30일
Hi everyone,
I am trying to make a very simple acquisiton program in wich I read a low frequency digital signal and plot the results. The problem I have is that the acquisition doesn't seem to be fast enough for the application, as it misses many pulses at 80 Hz approximately. I don't understand why, the frecuency is very low and with an Advantech PCI 1711 Board this should't be happening.
Here is the program
dio = digitalio ('advantech',0)
hwlines = addline(dio,2,'In')
for i=1:600
out(i)= getvalue (dio)
stairs (out)
Thanks a lot in advance
  댓글 수: 8
ayam mohsen
ayam mohsen 2013년 4월 24일
what version of matlab you see to used with pci-1711u notice ,i found just matlab 2008 and 2007 can see the pci-1711u using real time window target simulink
Alejandro Martín
Alejandro Martín 2013년 6월 3일
Hi Ayam, I use a R2010a version of Matlab in a 32 bits Windows XP, and it works with PCI 1711 (note that PCI 1711U is different from PCI 1711). It also works with real time windows target. I don´t know what you are trying to do but if you let me know maybe I can help you if you are stuck in something.

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채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012년 8월 30일
It is not recommended to save() within the loop. save() can take a fair bit of time.
  댓글 수: 1
Alejandro Martín
Alejandro Martín 2012년 8월 30일
편집: Alejandro Martín 2012년 8월 30일
Thanks a lot Walter, I worked with your suggestion.

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