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Decode JSON into only struct array

조회 수: 45 (최근 30일)
Parth-Raj Singh
Parth-Raj Singh 2019년 7월 2일
댓글: Parth-Raj Singh 2019년 7월 2일
I am using jsondecode function in matlab to decode nested json script. I want the final output in struct array only. When some child keys are missing, I get a cell array. However, I would like to have all the keys in struct array and if it the child key is not present, I want that key with empty value. Is this function foreseen to have this functionality? is there any fast alternaive to achieve it?
  댓글 수: 5
Rik 2019년 7월 2일
Shouldn't the JSON string not be like the one below? Then the string itself would encode an empty element.
Alternatively, you could write a parser that ensures every field has the same subfields.
Parth-Raj Singh
Parth-Raj Singh 2019년 7월 2일
This is what I am doing right now. The problem is that I am dealing with many json files with nested structure, and if I have to add a new key, I have to update all my files manually to avoid cell array.
If no one can help, then the final plan is to write my own parser. Thanks anyway.

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채택된 답변

Guillaume 2019년 7월 2일
편집: Guillaume 2019년 7월 2일
jsondecode is certainly never going to convert a json array into a structure array as there's no guarantee that the objects in the array are of the same type. In your example, the two structures created don't have the same fields.
You can of course, write your own function that merges structures with different fields, filling the missing fields with [] or '' or whatever:
function structarray = mergedissimilarstructures(structures, defaultempty)
%structures: a cell array of scalar structures to merge
%defaultempy: the value to use to fill missing fields. Optional, default = []
%structarray: a structure array the same size as the input structures cell array.
% The fields of structurarray is the union of the fields of the input structures
%TODO: input validation
if nargin < 2
defaultempty = [];
fieldunion = cellfun(@fieldnames, structures, 'UniformOutput', false);
fieldunion = unique(vertcat(fieldunion{:}));
structarray = repmat({defaultempty}, numel(structures), numel(fieldunion));
for sidx = 1:numel(structures)
[~, destcol] = ismember(fieldnames(structures{sidx}), fieldunion);
structarray(sidx, destcol) = struct2cell(structures{sidx});
structarray = reshape(cell2struct(structarray, fieldunion, 2), size(structures));

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