How do I correctly implement IFFT in signal generation?

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Nicholas Wagter
Nicholas Wagter 2019년 6월 13일
편집: Nicholas Wagter 2019년 6월 13일
I'm trying to create a signal based on the frequency spectrum of a highly sampled noise signal muliplied by a gaussian window in the frequency domain centered at zero hz.
I'm multiplying the two together to create a combined frequency spectrum. Then I'm attempting to IFFT the combined spectrum to create a new signal.
Help would be greatly appreciated.
%% Highly Sampled Noise
fsamp = 32e3; %Sampling frequency
Ts = 1/fsamp; %Period of sampling
L = 3.33; % Length of signal
t1 = 0:Ts:L-Ts;%vector 0:3.33 sampled at a rate of 32khz
Noise = 10*randn(1,length(t1));
title('32kHz Noise Randn')
xlabel('Time seconds')
%% Frequency Spectrum of Highly Sampled Noise
N = length(t1);
k = 0:N-1;
T = N/fsamp;
freq = k/T;
NFFT = 2^(nextpow2(N)+1);
N1f = abs(fft(Noise,NFFT)/N);
cutOff = ceil(N/2);
N1f = N1f(1:cutOff);
freq = freq(1:cutOff);
% freq = fsamp*linspace(0,1-(1/NFFT),NFFT); % Frequency Vector
% mag_dB = 10*log10(N1f.^2); % Translating to Decibels
title('Frequency Spectrum of the Noise');
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]');
ylabel('Normalized Magnitude |Noise(f)|');
grid on
%% Gaussian Window using Custom Gauss Function Found Online
% CUSTOMGAUSS Generate a custom 2D gaussian
% gauss = customgauss(gsize, sigmax, sigmay, theta, offset, factor, center)
% gsize Size of the output 'gauss', should be a 1x2 vector
% sigmax Std. dev. in the X direction
% sigmay Std. dev. in the Y direction
% theta Rotation in degrees
% offset Minimum value in output
% factor Related to maximum value of output, should be
% different from zero
% center The center position of the gaussian, should be a
% 1x2 vector
% function ret = customgauss(gsize, sigmax, sigmay, theta, offset, factor, center)
% ret = zeros(gsize);
% rbegin = -round(gsize(1) / 2);
% cbegin = -round(gsize(2) / 2);
% for r=1:gsize(1)
% for c=1:gsize(2)
% ret(r,c) = rotgauss(rbegin+r,cbegin+c, theta, sigmax, sigmay, offset, factor, center);
% end
% end
% end
% function val = rotgauss(x, y, theta, sigmax, sigmay, offset, factor, center)
% xc = center(1);
% yc = center(2);
% theta = (theta/180)*pi;
% xm = (x-xc)*cos(theta) - (y-yc)*sin(theta);
% ym = (x-xc)*sin(theta) + (y-yc)*cos(theta);
% u = (xm/sigmax)^2 + (ym/sigmay)^2;
% val = offset + factor*exp(-u/2);
% end
%Setting variables for CustomGauss
L2 = length(freq);
stdX = length(1:Ts:1.1);
stdY = 1;
theta = 90;
Min_Val = 1;
Max_Val = 100;
Gauss_Win = customgauss([1,L2], stdX, stdY, theta, Min_Val, Max_Val, [0,-L2/2]);
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
ylabel('Magnitude |W(f)| [dB]')
title('Gaussian Window in Frequency Domain')
%% Tissue Spectrum: Gaussian Window and Noise Frequency Spectrum Combination
Tissue_Spec = N1f.*Gauss_Win;
title('Window & Noise Combined Frequency')
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
ylabel('Magnitude |T(f)|')
%% IFFT and Highly Sampled Tissue Signal Creation
Tissue_Signal = ifft(Tissue_Spec,(NFFT))*L2;
LN_TS = length(Tissue_Signal);
t2 = (0:(1-Ts)/(LN_TS-1):1-Ts);
title('Highly Sampled Tissue Signal')
xlabel('Time Seconds')

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