live script hide code edit field control double type won't work

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Tom Kinney
Tom Kinney 2019년 6월 10일
답변: Joe Bienkowski 2020년 5월 12일
When I use an edit field control in a livescript for a double variable type, and then hide the code, the script basically won't run unless I click a bunch of times in the control!!!
  댓글 수: 1
Joe Bienkowski
Joe Bienkowski 2020년 3월 10일
Thank you for your interest in Live Controls! For an edit field control, execution is triggered after typing a new value and clicking somewhere outside the control. Let us know if you are experiencing a different behavior in your script.

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답변 (1개)

Joe Bienkowski
Joe Bienkowski 2020년 5월 12일
Thank you for your interest in Live Controls! For an edit field control, execution is triggered after typing a new value and clicking somewhere outside the control. Let us know if you are experiencing a different behavior in your script.


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