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What's wrong with the Torque sensors in simmechanics

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Mohsen Malayjerdi
Mohsen Malayjerdi 2012년 8월 23일
we model a simple mechanism ( 1 link connect to ground by a revolute joint) by simmech and give its revolute joint a triple sinwave motion (position velocity and acceleration) (for example: 1*sin(t*t)) and after that sense torque from that joint.Then we give that Torque to a same mechanism and expect to do the same motion as before it was given. but the problem is if the first link has a Pendulum motion , the second link rotates and do not move as the first link moves. here is the some picture to explain the problem clearly.
in the below pic you can see the given motion in first link and right pic is the result motion that produced by the torque in the second link.
Here is .mdl file for run and see with your eyes!!! http://www.4shared.com/file/uqXfU0MX/Test_Torque_sensors.html?
please tell me what's the problem???

답변 (1개)

Mohsen Malayjerdi
Mohsen Malayjerdi 2012년 9월 6일
Thanks Tony Very much for paying attention, in fact you are right, the initial condition for position and velocity must define for second system. By this we can derive the first input.


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