How do we solve multiple ODEs to fit empirical observations by optimizing multiple constants?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
I have 3 ODEs and 2 parameters to be optimized to fit the ODE's to given data..
eg dA/dt = -(K1+K2)*A;
dB/dt = K1*A;
dC/dt = K2*A
where t= time and K1,K2 are constants
I have been given A,B and C vs time data..I must manipulate K1 and K2 to match the data. How do I go about doing this using optimization toolbox? Please suggest a sample code if possible..
  댓글 수: 2
Teja Muppirala
Teja Muppirala 2012년 8월 21일
Hi Nitin, I provided an answer on the original question that you posted a while back.
If you don't feel like you've gotten a good answer when you previously asked a question, it is generally a better idea to go back and ask for more clarification, or provide more information, instead of starting a new post with the same question again. That way, all the information and previous conversation regarding your problem will stay on one page.
Nitin Samuel
Nitin Samuel 2012년 8월 21일
편집: Nitin Samuel 2012년 8월 21일
sorry!! i didnt get a notification that you replied.will see that now..will remove this asap..

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답변 (1개)

Elizabeth 2012년 8월 21일
Set each ODE equal to zero on the RHS and minimize the difference between the two terms on the LHS for each of your ODEs to be optimized [subject to your constraints].


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