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How do i create a custom function for sensitivity analysis

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Marc Saade
Marc Saade 2019년 4월 28일
편집: per isakson 2019년 4월 28일
I am trying to do a sensitivity analaysis on a circuit voltage signal. What i want to do is to observe the sensitivity of the RMS signal whenever i try to change a parameter.
In order to do that i have to create a custom function.
the custom function that i wrote is:
function y=getRMS(u)
But it does not work.
Can anyone tell me how to write a custom function for sensitivity analysis
  댓글 수: 3
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2019년 4월 28일
How is u computed from the parameter you're going to change? What is the changing parameter called? For example, it's called "theParameter" and "u" is some vector that is built using that value of "theParameter".
Marc Saade
Marc Saade 2019년 4월 28일
편집: per isakson 2019년 4월 28일
I am varying a capacitor and want to observe the change in RMS value of the output voltage.
The sensitivity application does not have RMS so i need to create an RMS function
This is the function
function y =GetRMS(u)
I attached the circuit whitch contain a wire named VVo which is the output voltage and the Error shows the error i get when i run the customize function in sensitivity analysis.
Please look in to them.
Thank you

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