Circles of different radius around random points

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Simran Sandhu
Simran Sandhu 2019년 4월 25일
댓글: Jan 2019년 11월 24일
Below is the code and i want to create circle for the new bts location, circle is of radius 0.3kms
% points of interest
P = rand(2, 3);
P1= rand(2, 3);
P2= rand(2, 3);
% Candidate feature set
X = rand(2,20);
X1= rand (2,20);
X2= rand (2,20);
I = nearestneighbour(P, X, 'Radius', 0.3);
I1 = nearestneighbour(P1, X1, 'Radius', 0.3);
I2 = nearestneighbour(P2, X2, 'Radius', 0.3);
idx = I(I(:, 1) ~= 0, 1);
plot(P(1,:), P(2, :), 'r.', X(1,:), X(2,:), 'b.', 'MarkerSize', 15)
hold on
p1 = repmat(P(1,1), 1, length(idx)); p2 = repmat(P(2,1), 1, length(idx));
quiver(p1, p2, X(1, idx) - p1, X(2, idx) - p2, 0, 'k')
hold on
idx = I1(I1(:, 1) ~= 0, 1);
plot(P1(1,:), P1(2, :), 'r.', X1(1,:), X1(2,:), 'b.', 'MarkerSize', 15)
hold on
p1 = repmat(P1(1,1), 1, length(idx)); p2 = repmat(P1(2,1), 1, length(idx));
quiver(p1, p2, X1(1, idx) - p1, X1(2, idx) - p2, 0, 'k')
hold on
idx = I2(I2(:, 1) ~= 0, 1);
plot(P2(1,:), P2(2, :), 'r.', X2(1,:), X2(2,:), 'b.', 'MarkerSize', 15)
hold on
p1 = repmat(P2(1,1), 1, length(idx)); p2 = repmat(P2(2,1), 1, length(idx));
quiver(p1, p2, X1(1, idx) - p1, X2(2, idx) - p2, 0, 'k')
hold off
xlabel('x distance (km)')
ylabel('y distance (km)')
legend('new BTS coverage= 0.3kms','users')
  댓글 수: 5
YASIR YASH 2019년 11월 24일
sir help me to write code for random users around one BTS
Jan 2019년 11월 24일
@YASIR YASH: Please open a new thread and explain your problem with details.

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