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error when integrating using a loop

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
LINDO MTSWENI 2019년 3월 27일
편집: Jan 2019년 3월 27일
CrossSection1 = [80 80 2]; %mm
CrossSection2 = [80 55 1.5]; %mm
Load = [900 300 400]; %[N xmm ymm]
Length = 2; %m
YoungsMod = 70; %GPa
Density = 7800;%7800; %kg/m^3
Spacing = 800; %m
theta = 45;
Distance = 1.8; %m
Magnitude=900; %N
xcoordinate=300; %mm
ycoordinate=400; %mm
Density=7800 ;%kg/m^3
Distance=1.8; %m%
Height=80;%Height of beam1 in mm
Width=80; %Width of beam1 in mm
Thickness=2; %Thickness of beam1 in mm
CrossSectional1=[ Height Width Thickness];
Load=[ Magnitude xcoordinate ycoordinate];
%calculate the applied force acing on the beam
Area1=(Height*Width)-[(Width-2*Thickness)*(Height-2*Thickness)]; %cross-sectional area of beam1
I1=(Width*(Height)^3)/12-((Width-2*Thickness)*(Height-2*Thickness)^3)/12;%second moment of area for beam1 in mm^4
DistLoad1=(Density*Area1*9.81)/1000^3; % distributed load due to weight of the beam
%Reaction forces on the beam
Reaction1=[ Rpinx1; Rpiny1; Rdiagonal1];
X1=[0:1:(Length*1000-yDistance)];% limits of first shear force distribution
V1=-DistLoad1*X1+Rpiny1; %first equation of shear force
X2=[(Length*1000-yDistance+1):1:Distance*1000]; % limits of second shear force distribution
V2=-DistLoad1*X2+(Rpiny1-FBeam1); %second equation of shear force
V3=-DistLoad1*X3+(Rpiny1-FBeam1+(Rdiagonal1*sind(theta)));% third equation of shear force acting on the beam
X=[X1 X2 X3];%length of the beam cut into unit sections
V=[V1 V2 V3];%shear forces acting on the beam
ShearForce1=[X' V'];
%integrate ShearForce1 to get the bending moment on the beam in matrix form
BendingMoment1=[0 0];
for k=1:Length*1000
when i try running this code i get this error
error: k(104.918): subscripts must be either integers 1 to (2^63)-1 or logicals
error: called from
can someone please help me fix this error ,i have tried many times to find where i went wrong but i cant figure it out
project at line 43 column 16
  댓글 수: 2
Rik 2019년 3월 27일
I can't find the offending line in the code you posted, but the error itself seems self-explanatory. Where are you trying to index k?
Does this error also occur in Matlab? You should make sure your problem also occurs in Matlab and not just Octave. This forum (at the very least the website itself) is maintained by Mathworks, and Octave is ostensibly a competing product, so you can expect only limited help here for the cases where the code runs fine under Matlab.
Torsten 2019년 3월 27일
Maybe you mean
instead of

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채택된 답변

Jan 2019년 3월 27일
편집: Jan 2019년 3월 27일
This code let the output grow iteratively, what is extremely inefficient:
BendingMoment1=[0 0];
for k=1:Length*1000
This is most likely a typo:
Perhaps you mean:
[k, BendingMoment1(k,2) + 0.5*(ShearForce1(k,2)+(ShearForce1(k+1,2)))]
Pre-allocate the output to accelerate it massively:
BendingMoment1 = zeros(Length*1000, 2);
for k = 2:Length*1000
BendingMoment1(k, 1) = k;
BendingMoment1(k, 2) = BendingMoment1(k-1,2) + ...
0.5 * (ShearForce1(k-1,2) + ShearForce1(k,2));
Or easier:
Len = Length*1000;
BendingMoment1 = zeros(Len, 2);
BendingMoment1(:, 1) = (0:Len).';
BendingMoment1(2:end, 2) = cumsum(0.5 * (ShearForce1(1:end-1) + ShearForce1(2:end)))

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